There's a well known and highly accurate complaint by women that man-things expect them to be accomplished wives, mothers, workers and lovers. All the while being utterly impossible and useless themselves.
One of the most obnoxious side effects of male hormones is that they programme men to believe themselves centre of the universe. They honestly think they are RIGHT the whole time. Even if you shower them in unassailable logic and prove your argument beyond doubt, many a man-thing will still reject the evidence and really believe they know best. My own paradox is that while I find this trait completely infuriating I also find that it's one of the things I adore about men - that rigid self-assured confidence that they and only they know best.
When I get together with my GG friends and talk about fellas, one of the many things we have in common is that we let the guys get away with murder. Generally, I find GGs are sooooo much better than us Tgirls at definitively pinning a man down to a solid relationship from wherein they can set about reforming them. Lucky for me, I'm not the reforming type. If you ask me, it's waaaaaaaay too much work for too little reward. Better to take men as they come and adapt yourself around them.