London Tgirl Lucia explains everything you need to know about dress disasters... well, everything that is except the most useful piece of information. How to avoid them..... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tgirl Lucia's Toxic Dance
London Tgirl Lucia Ferri is struck by a Tgirl-shaped thunderbolt. 'Gosh!', she exclaims. 'It's time to stop yakking and start movin' the bod. I wonder if any fellas out there will enjoy it... even a teensy weensy bit???' Eeeeeeeeeeeek!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Lucia's Boudoir
Man-things the world over can never agree on anything but they do all share a simple dream.. to be allowed to spend a night in Tgirl Lucia Ferri's boudoir. Lucia, whose heart is full of love and golden, decides to throw open the doors to her boudoir so everyone can see what all the fuss is about... eeeeeeeek!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Tgirl Citygirl
Legend has it that the square mile of the City of London is famous for its adorable Tgirls. Ordered by her secretive boss to check it out, Tspy Lucia Ferri slips into a sombre but sexy black pants 'n' jacket outfit so she can blend with the suits and sample the high-flying city lifestyle...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Undercover Tgirl
London Tgirl Lucia Ferri goes deep undercover to rip the lid off a secret plan to replace all the world's horrid politicians, polluters and wicked generals with android Tgirls in brilliant disguises... sinister stuff!!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Tgirl Lucia's Booti Ya Ya
London Tgirl Lucia Ferri can't figure out why fellas are so attracted to a gurl in hi-heeled booties. At times she wonders if the whole planet has gone kinky!!! Eeeeeeek!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Anti-Sporty Tgirls

Hiya sweet beings..
Yes, I am the world's foremost anti-sports fanatic. In five years time I'll be appointed the UN's first official anti-sports Tgirl ambassador. Like a good and brimmingly angelic version of the atrocioius Geri Halliwelp I'll tour the back waters of the world (such as New York and Leytonstone) encouraging the young to sit blindfolded in their armchairs eating fat-burgers, slurping tooth-rotting coke and playing nintendo DS.
Actually, when it comes to my encounters with sports I'm sorta similar to one of those distant comets that hang around (in a nice frock) in the shady reaches of the cosmos and then swing in on a wild whim and just miss smashing into the earth and obliterating Luton. Or has that already happened?? Eeeeeeek!
Sporty bulletin one: What kinda profile would this be without a rant?
Pleez pleez pleez can some obligingly wise old zen-haired man-thing, one who has seen all and mastered standing on one leg in an icy pond on a frosty morning... pleez pleeez pleez can you h'explain to little Lucia why it is that, at various junctures in my life, concerned boyfriends have sat me down in front of the telly during a deathly dull football competition and tried desperately to get me to understand something known as 'The Offside Rule' - as though the future of our species depended on it. One thing is for sure. The more a man-thing tries to explain something to us Tgirls, the less we understand. It all gets so heated! And for what!? A little bit of sporty balderdash!
Sporty bulletin two: Not all Tgirls are anti-sporty loonies like me.
At the much-missed Trans-missions club far far and long ago, I remember one Autumn night getting sucked into a conversation with three strapping and delightful Tgirls from up North... my geography is crap but I think they were from Bradford or Bingley or somewhere equally building society-ish. At first I was paralysed by that horrible competitive Tgirl thing that we all succumb to at times.. even if we hate it!!! I mean, there was me in a bright pink frock looking terribly girly, grasping my clutch bag and shocklingly skimpy fizzy drink... and there beside me were these three earthy Tgirls, mooching brazenly about like bricklayers in frocks, legs spread widely apart and knocking back pints of beer. I was convinced they'd take an instant dislike to shamelessly shallow me. When one said 'Hi' in a gruff tough voice I hastily offered to buy them all more beer. Ok, I'm ashamed to admit I was just a touch terrified. Goes to show how stupid preconceptions can be!
Well, the sweet thing is that they warmed to me quickly and we had a fantastic laugh. Our chat was just surreal - I'd mention how much I loved some new nail varnish for it's vibrant one coat colour and they'd retort with how Dixie Munglechops headed over the bar as he plonked his elbow in the goalkeeper's groin. Fashion and football mixed together without rhyme or reason. Just nuts!!
Sporty bulletin three: The anti-sports lobby gathers new dust!
I dunno. I really haven't a clue about this sporty stuff. Agreed, it's good to keep fit and healthy but have you ever wandered past a sports bar? What have they got to do with sport? Two hundred pickled man-things standing in a crowd shouting aggressively at a wide screen TV?
And have you ever been making your way home and encountered a crowd of football fans. I'm sure they're nice enough people when sat on a soft pouve but the sound of all those hyper guys screaming and clapping never fails to scare the life out of me. Am I the only one?
Sporty bulletin XB200/6: A chink in an anti-sporty Tgirl's armour.
Ok, I did have one mad sporty passion in the past. Go on, laugh. I used to play netball with my big sister and her pals. It's still just the most brilliant and exciting game in the world. You should try it boys instead of hurrying your silly balls around aimlessly!!
Sporty bulletin ninety nine: Her dark past is material in the sporty courts of justice... and sadder than she let's on.
Confession. My dad tried a number of strategies to masculize me when I was growing up. One was the sporty solution devised to exterminate Tgirl tendencies. These days I'm quite proud that I never managed to learn 'How to kick a ball properly'. Was I plain incapable or just stubborn? It takes true Tgirl determination to avoid the football onslaught when faced with a constant disapproving chorus from yer dad and yer peers of: 'You kick like a bloody girl!'
Whenever I kicked a ball as a kid you could guarantee two things. One, it wouldn't go very far. Two, it would go in any direction apart from the one I was told to aim at.
My dad had another secret weapon. That of dragging the reluctant me off to a football match once a year on Boxing Day. Oh, how I absolutely utterly hated it. I'm so scarred by the experience that I still vividly recall one nightmarish visit. He took me to see Charlton. I remember the eerie name and I remember the forbidding place was built on a steep hill which seemed crazy even to me. Up until then I thought football grass was supposed to be flat!!!
Aiiiieeeeeee! It was the coldest day in the last five hundred years, so cold that the snow almost froze in the air, taking ages to tumble down and fall on our heads. My ears and exposed flesh must have turned powder blue, then glowed purple before cracking like daffodils dipped in liquid helium. I spent the entire time thinking if the cold didn't finish me the excruciating boredom would. My dad periodically growled at me to 'watch the bloody game' but all I could stand to do was dream of being back home. Stupid football men running pointlessly up and down the crazy tilt of the football grass. As they came close the nasty stamp of their feet and their horrible harsh breathing sounded like abused horses.
Football. I didn't get it. I still don't. I stood gazing upwards, tears streaming from my eyes. I'd never felt such abject misery. Overhead, the stand was full of holes and the blackened sky was weeping back at me.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Tgirl Lucia's Quick One
Lucia Ferri does a quick one for all those who're Tgirl curious but in one hell of a hurry... watch it and squeak aloud!!!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Tgirl sticks 'n' stones
As a Tgirl, you get used to being called names. What upsets is the horrid in-ya-face aggressive attitudes of the people insulting you. But, funny enuf, the names themselves are really quite meaningless....
Monday, October 22, 2007
blast away the past
T-girl Lucia Ferri wonders does time fly or if it merely slumbers past, dragging us in its wake? One day you wake to realise that you're a total stranger to the person you were ten years ago....
Monday, October 8, 2007
sexual confusions part two
T-girl Lucia simply adores all those household chores that most people hate. Here she picks up her broom and cleans up the Room For Confusion...eeeeeeeeek! Just look at that shine!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
sexual confusions part one
London T-girl Lucia Ferri does her best to unravel the huge ball of confusion and explain the curious myths that have grown up like slender weeds all around the dewlicious T-girl garden... eeeeeeeek!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
T-girl Lucia Ferri dances to Kylie
Much ink and fizzy pop has been spilt by angry men and philosophers arguing over whether T-girls can be genuinely sexy or not. London T-girl Lucia shakes her T-bootie once again to help settle the argument by raising the temperature to HOTTTTTT!!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
T-girl In The Morning
Horror of horrors! London T-girl Lucia ferri falls asleep with her make up on after a night of clubbing. Later that morning, the silly girl wakes to find her eyelashes are glued together with mascara... eeeeek!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Lucia's Diet - Part Three
T-girl Lucia Ferri returns from holiday to find she's swelled up like a great big blimp! But she's a girl in denial... Help!! There must be a way to wake her up from this scary illusion??
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Lucia's Diet - Part One
Diets!! They're the bane of an ordinary girl's life! But what about T-girls?? Do they ever find themselves seduced by the evils of a cream cake? And what is a gurl to do when the T-girl blobbies start to appear?!
7 Mails
Just how do ya chat up a T-girl??? Lucia Ferri reads out some recent emails she's been sent by hungry fellas... and can't help but wonder what their wives and girlfriends would think... eeeeeeeeeeeek!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Of T-girls and Minicabs
Saturday night. 4.30 am. Stranded far from home in her heels with the rain pouring down. How is a Tgirl to get safely across London to home. Easy!! Jump in a cab. But is it as easy as all that? Lucia relates the perils of travelling alone at night without a boyfriend on hand to brush awy the flies... eeeeeeeeeek!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Lucia dancing to Girls Aloud
Watching me lark around dancing to Ciara and Pussycat Dolls while cooking supper, my Tgirl pal Sue suggested it would be a laff to make a video. We roped in a couple of clever man-thing admirers to help. I know many Tgirls are highly capable when it comes to technical matters but one thing I must confess is my complete inabilty to operate any of this modern hardware. I'm generally baffled by mobile phones (despite exhaustive lessons I still can't figure out what do all those menus do???) and hopeless with computers. And as for remote controls - agggggggh - they actually fill me with terror. Last Friday evening I went round to visit an old friend. She was taking a long slow bath and told me to watch tv. All I can tell you is that it was one of those flat screen thingies and I pressed every button on the remote at least thirty seven times and in every conceivable sequence. I gave up after twenty minutes. When my friend appeared she explained. 'Oh Silly.. just hold down the red button for a few seconds'.
Oh yeah!!?? I mean - how is one supposed to know things like that??!!
Well, I had fun filming and doing my usual bad dancing. I wore a crazy zebra-striped bikini my friend Anya gave me from a BHS sale!!! eeeeeek! But all I can say is go and have a rummage yourself - they do sell some rather irresistible cheap and sexy undies. Zebra stripes... very 'Me Jane, you Tarzan', eh?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
of tarts and custards

There's a well known and highly accurate complaint by women that man-things expect them to be accomplished wives, mothers, workers and lovers. All the while being utterly impossible and useless themselves.
One of the most obnoxious side effects of male hormones is that they programme men to believe themselves centre of the universe. They honestly think they are RIGHT the whole time. Even if you shower them in unassailable logic and prove your argument beyond doubt, many a man-thing will still reject the evidence and really believe they know best. My own paradox is that while I find this trait completely infuriating I also find that it's one of the things I adore about men - that rigid self-assured confidence that they and only they know best.
When I get together with my GG friends and talk about fellas, one of the many things we have in common is that we let the guys get away with murder. Generally, I find GGs are sooooo much better than us Tgirls at definitively pinning a man down to a solid relationship from wherein they can set about reforming them. Lucky for me, I'm not the reforming type. If you ask me, it's waaaaaaaay too much work for too little reward. Better to take men as they come and adapt yourself around them.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
the last parable

If life teaches anything it's this:
Shut up with the stupid maxims, bon mots, apothegms, pithy sayings etc!
But parables are ok. No. not biblical ones.. they're all superstitious rubbish. But Tgirl parables are wonderfully instructive contructs. They're great if you're having trouble training your man-thing.
Although I'm not the dominant type (in fact my psychiatrist Miss Bramble complains that I'm far too sub) I have an unbearable need to change my rough gruff man-things into meek little kittens. This cannot be achieved in any lasting way by following the physical path. How many times have we read about unfortunate Tgirls attaching nasty weights to their man-things testicles last thing at night only to wake first thing in the morning and find that they've run run run away.
I once knew a Tgurl who every evening forced her fella to lay down on their marital bed while she attached leather cuffs to his ankles and wrists. Then she would fasten him firmly to the bed frame with a intricate series of ropes. Oh, I tried to warn her that he would rebel but she refused to listen. Silly gurl.
The final time I paid them a visit, her botfriend angrily answered the door. He held a big menacing cane in his hand. He led me into the kitchen where I found my poor friend on all fours, attached to the floor. She was wearing some hideous-looking leather harness, gagged and chained up like a mistreated animal. Close by were two bowls - one of dirty water and the other.. urgh.. containing what smelled like cheap cat food. 'Strange', I thought. 'My T-friend is allergic to cats'. Then I figured it out. The food and water were for her!
She looked at up me with pathetic terrified pleading eyes and tried to say something through the gag. I couldn't understand a word but evenso, her once compliant man-thing instantly strode across the room and delivered two or three violently powerful whacks to her bare ass with his cane. I saw her struggle against her bonds but all she could do was wriggle and squeal incomprehensible noises from beneath that ugly gag. Closer inspection revealed a series of metal hooks had been set in the concrete floor. A number of chains ran from the hooks to my friend's harness leaving her unable to move more than a few centimetres in either direction.
I asked her if she was ok and I swear she was about to grunt and snuffle for help when her fella interceded with another loud thwack to her arse. It was anything but playful. He brought the cane high above his head and used all that brute man-thing strength to deliver a shocking blow. My friend was finally silenced but still regarded me with thise stark staring, terrified eyes. Her boyfriend turned to me and angrily said I'd been a bad influence on her. When I asked how long he intended to keep my friend chained up that way a cruel leering smile played across his face. Then he stiffened and told me in the clearest terms to get out and never to return.
I managed one final glance at my friend. Her eyes were filled with unnameable terror. It was like the ending of an old fashioned horror film where we close on the wide horror-filled eyeballs of the evil woman who's been placed in the iron maiden. The door to the dungeon is sealed forever and we realise the evil witch will do her dying slowly, agonisingly.
My friends old life was over. From now on she would pay dearly for abusing her man-thing.
This should make it clear, gurls, why the Lucia parable method is the only one worth using when re-training your fella. T-coded instructions will follow soon... blog this space!!!!
1,001 days to go

The nihilists, soothsayers with socks in their mouths and Millennialists are right - the world really IS gonna end in 1,001 days. That's 1,000 and one days from the time you read this. So if you read this today you can count on the world ending 1,001 days from now. And if you read it tomorrow or next year, then exactly 1,001 days later the world will.. er... end... yeah.
Funny how this thing works. Who'd have thought the 'fin del mundo' would be so bleedin' well subjective.
Now you know that the end is in sight, watcha gonna do all you lovely Tgals and gasping wide-eyed admirers. Might I hazard a few guesses?
First, all Tgirls (that includes YOU) are going to drop off your entire stash of girlie things at the nearest charity shop. Then. you'll apply fast acting hair tonic to face and chin. Within a few hours all Tgirls will be easily spotted. You'll be the ones stepping on your beards as you walk, Rasputin-like, to take your place on the number 3 bus to nowheresville.
Second, all admirers must abandon their manly ways. Make your way (this means YOU) to the nearest depillation clinic and undergo permanent laser hair removal including the soles of your feet. Next, burst into your local chemist and, after waving a big doner kebab knife in the air, emerge with enough female hormones to give a battleship mammary glands. Finally, breasts heaving and jiggling in your wet T-shirt (it always rains on a Tuesday) lunge into your local charity shop. There, miraculously, you'll find suitable female clothing in abundance - size seventeen court shoes, XL sexi-see-through lingerie, size 34 dresses and a skimpy Sloggi that will come in useful for bundling your pencils together.
Right, everybody! We're almost ready for the end of days. One last preparatory act to set in motion. Sell everything - houses, cars, diamante earplugs, labradors, broken Wii, blue ray digital big business theft module... the LOT!! Cash it all in and empty out the bank. Now, pile all that cash in a big cash pile. Pick up that box of Swan TransVesta matches. Remember... if your resolve falters, steel yourself....only 1,001 days to go. All set? Good. Set fire to the money and blow blow blow 'till it's reduced to a crispy blackened heap. Only don't do it on a Tuesday, It always rains on a Tuesday.....
Monday, February 26, 2007
dinner party disasters

Ever had one of those dinner party disasters? I managed one the weekend before last and, in a small way, I brought it upon myself. Here's how it came to pass.
I've been seeing a new fella and a few weeks ago we had one of those 'lively' discussions centering on that old Tgirl complaint - namely, that guys are happy to see us secretly but don't want the world at large to know that they're dating a Tgirl. Don't misunderstand me. I'm something of a realist and know that wider acceptance in the world is a long way off for us gurls and, equally, the fellas who're attracted to us. I would never, for instance, insist that a guy introduce me to his friends if he felt uncomfortable with it. That said, it's all to easy to hide in our bubbles and rather than upset the apple cart, spend our days in the shadows of existence. What the hell. Sometimes you have to say it out loud - if we don't challenge the perceptions of others, when will things change for the better?!!
Well, surprise surprise! Having digested my side of the argument, the BF only went and invited me to a dinner party with some old friends of his. These friends consisted of one lovely couple and another not so lovely couple. The guy was ok, but hen-pecked and meek but his girlfriend turned out to be the t-phobic bitch from Hades!!!
After an attack of pre-dinner nerves, I finally chose the outfit you see above - with a small change. White bra instead of that cheeky bright red one. BF approved. It's so hard when you're dressing to make a good impression on people you don't know. Very strange thoughts enter your head.
'Shall I wear jeans? No, they'll think I'm trying to be mannish. Shall I wear a skirt? Long or short? Gosh, what if they think I'm trying to be a tart?'
All of it rubbish! As ever, just be yourself. Clear your Tgirl mind and follow your instincts. Then you at least you can be certain that any problems eminate from someone's predjudices rather than from your making a faux pas.
Difficulties surfaced soon after we arrived at HB's (Hades Bitch) flat - where we were having dinner. Perhaps a neutral ground would have improved matters but BF later prised it out of her hubby that Hades Bitch had let it be known that she wouldn't 'suffer the humiliation of appearing in public with.. (eeeeeeeeeek!)... a cross dressing pervert!' Ouch!
Her first slight was to openly avoid a greeting kiss followed by some cold formality to me and exaggerated warmth to everyone else. I ignored it and kept a brave face. Hardly the first time I've been cut dead by somebody. Even when I managed to break the ice and get everyone laughing, I glanced over to see HB scowling at me.
As we sat down to dinner HB started to roll out her heavy artillery. Although I was too polite to say it, I knew she'd been rehearsing her insults beforehand. That lack of spontaneity was what started to annoy me - not her pathetic t-phobia. She did the 'I expect you'll be wanting a big plate' insult along with the 'I imagine you'll be gasping for a beer' thing. Yawn!! After drinking too much wine, nastier gems began to spring from her mouth. 'Don't you feel naked wearing a skirt?' 'It must be so frustrating for you not being a real woman' and my favourite - 'You must get through an awful lot of make up. What a shame!'
Poor BF was mortified. So was I - her bloody cooking was awful. Potatoes overboiled and chicken underdone. Perhaps HB should publish a 'How to poison Tgirl cookbook'. We scampered out of there, pride intact. Somehow I'd managed to keep a lid on my mouth. Lucky for her, she was an idiot with appaling dress sense and an unhappy mouth that slanted awkwardly down to one side. If she'd actually had a milligram of wit I'd have been tempted to let her have both of my considerably life-hardened Tgirl barrels. BAMN BAM!!!
As we drove away, BF said apologetically, 'I've never seen her like that, I swear'. I replied, 'Now we have something we can share' and we both burst out laughing which was GREAT! In that special moment I thought, 'New BF - you're a good man' and felt the glow of true affection light up within. I love it when you start to feel 'Hey, up to now our relationship has been a preamble but, guess what, I really really like you'.
So, thanks again Hades Bitch, for helping me in my relationship. I'm sooooooooooooo indebted to you.... ha ha ha!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Alone again unnaturally

Aaaaaah.. what a crazy few months I've had. Now it's all change again as my lovely BF is off across the ocean, carried by his work and career. Last weekend it was champagne, tears and our last night together. Still, there's every chance we can spend two weeks with one another next July... in WOW.. Japan of all places. It's such a long way off.. I'm not even going to dream about it. Chances are he'll meet some top notch swishy GG and forget all about yours truly. That's usually how it goes for us Tgirls when we meet Mr. Right but.. what the hell... live for the day I say. Live for the day....